Andrea and Michael: Spring Lake Winery

I asked the Groom earlier in the day about Andrea, he talked so much about how she's so nice to everyone. People she just meets at work she hugs and is so kind too. He later made a speech during the reception where he talked about this again. Telling everyone there that if you dont know her that you should !! I mentioned to Andrea while she was getting ready how Michael was bragging about her kindness and she smiled and said that he always does. Isn't that a perfect picture? A friend of mind recently told me she feels so safe because her husband loves her so much. Its so amazing how our words and love can give someone so much confidence and Joy that they could reach a potential unimaginable. It was obvious that Andrea Knew she was lucky!!! My favorite part of the wedding was just before the kiss Andrea reacted with such excitement. Like she was waiting to hear those words kiss the bride forever!! It was a beautiful venue in lockport NY It rained throughout the day but once again a miracle happened how it always does and there were perfect timed breaks for everything planned to happened!! Thank you God!! 

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elisha whitmore